Floors - chapter 2
This weekend Bill worked on the hardwood floor upstairs and I worked on the tiling the bathroom and grouting the hall and kitchen.
Actually, I had hoped to grout the bathroom too, but it didn't happen. I had decided to go with a 45 degree angle on the tile pattern, which meant alot more cuts. Of course then there was the issue with the toilet, how to deal with it. All the planning of exactly how to lay out the floor, considering the toilet, plus all those cuts took a heck of a lot longer than I had anticipated. At the end of Saturday, I had only gotten 1/2 of the small bathroom finished. Sunday, I would have to finish the tiling which would mean I couldn't grout it because the adhesive has to cure for 24 hours. And then finally there is that final last tile right behind the toilet. It would require 4 cuts plus a hole for the pipe to come through. Cuts I couldn't do without a wet saw or diamond blade.
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