We're building our dream cottage this year. We have a lovely waterfront lot on a point of land on a small lake in Southern Ontario.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

where are the windows?

No windows yet. But we did get a phone call from the contractor. The windows were delivered to the warehouse last Thursday and are to be delivered to the site Tuesday (today). The contractor will put them in Wednesday. I can hardly wait to see the cottage with them in.

We went up Monday to work and made good progress on the deck footings. We got all of the forms for them filled except one. This one is quite deep so and we'll have to build a taller form.

Bill was digging at it yesterday and there was a loose rock that was in the way. But it was a huge rock and the hole was too deep to get it out using the big pry bar (and we have a really big one).
But Bill certainly can't be faulted for lack of trying. I was really worried he'd strain himself or crush some major body part (like a leg). So I suggested that he just roll it off to the side of the pit so it's out of the way. He had to make the hole bigger to make that idea work. Its a waste really. That rock would have done really well on the part of the shoreline that is eroding (which is most of it). But, it is way better than crushed body parts.


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