A.S.S.U.M.E. x2
Remember the saying never assume anything, cuz it'll make an ASS out of U M E?
Well, I think the window salesman will remember that next time. Apparently, when he came out to measure the windows, he measured them downstairs and they came out bang on to what was on the plans. So he decided he didn't need to climb up the ladder to the upstairs, he'd just go off the plans.
I suppose it's a compliment really, but we had changed things on the 2nd storey. We had removed the dormers and raised the sides of the walls from 6 feet to 8, which allowed making most of the windows bigger.
So, out of the 6 windows upstairs, only the side ones fit.
The salemans second mistake was to assume that the window in the bathroom was the same as the kitchen and not bother measuring it. I'm not sure where he got that idea, there are no inside walls yet, and the bathroom is right next to the kitchen, so you look at one and you see the other as well. Luckily the window he ordered for the bathroom fit perfectly into one of the window openings upstairs, so our contractor was able to use it. So Mr Salesman only has to eat 3 windows.
Bet he got a tummy ache over that one.
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