We're building our dream cottage this year. We have a lovely waterfront lot on a point of land on a small lake in Southern Ontario.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The best invention...

You wouldn't think a person would get giddy over steps. But honestly, if you didn't have them and had to climb a ladder just to enter the building, you'd really LOVE steps. And if you had to go up the ladder every time you needed a tool or a gadget or thinkamabob, well....it just made you think twice and made you plan every durn trip. Not to mention those visits to the loo in the wee hours of the night or morning (with flashlight in hand) after a glass (or two) of wine (for medicinal purposes only).

So...this weekend, we made steps. Two sets of them. One for the back porch and one for the front deck. Lovely steps they are. Oh, there was the usual Portuguese spoken, all right, but....we have steps.

Yes, steps are a good thing. Best invention since the wheel.


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