We're building our dream cottage this year. We have a lovely waterfront lot on a point of land on a small lake in Southern Ontario.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Dishes in the kitchen sink, a chance to relax and alternate food sources.

Woo hoo! The kitchen sink is done. I never EVER thought I'd hear myself say that I was looking forward to doing dishes. But I was! In the kitchen sink that is. So the kitchen is now officially done. And another milestone has been reached.

While I was waiting for the tile sealer to dry Saturday (which btw was a lovely sunny day), I put together the hammock. There is alot of symbolism in the hammock to me. We didn't want it "getting in the way" when we were working. Esp since we wouldn't have a chance to enjoy it. So now being done with all but the smallest of extras, the hammock symbolizes our ability to begin enjoying the cottage.

I read somewhere a commentary on the different effectiveness for natural bug repellants versus ones with deet in them. This guy basically said that the natural ones do work in slightly buggy situations, but even then its best if you have next to you an alternate food source. Being someone who foolishly enough has even LESS protection on them. Apparently, they actually don't like the taste of citronella or Skin So Soft. However, if the guy sitting next to you has a deet product on, then in the skeeters buggy eyes, there is nothing else to eat, so well...you're it. You're the alternate food source.

One of the things we love to do in the evening is to just sit outside, sipping a beer or a glass of wine enjoying the night air and such. So Saturday there we sat figuring we'd stay out there as long as the mosquitoes didn't eat us alive. I usually tease Bill saying that he is my alternate food source and usually he is. The bugs normally think he's nice and tasty. Well, Saturday Bill had been working outside more than me, so had put some deet on while I hadn't. So yeah....I was the alternate food source.

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Monday, June 01, 2009

What?! Snow and sleet?!? on our first overnight stay for the year?

OK, so it was only a little. But still.... its May 30th!! Sheesh.

It felt great being up there overnight tho. I haven't slept better in weeks! Bill too slept like a log. Was it the fresh air? The hard work? Maybe the wine. LOL

We got a little work done too this weekend too. I got the countertops tiled and grouted. Bill was the official tile cutter. His first time with a wet saw. Warning. Wear a rubber rain coat! And goggles! The pic doesn't do justice on how wet he got!

But look how pretty the tiles look!! Worth all the work.

Next week..kitchen sink!

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